
猫のように気まぐれに 独断と偏見に満ちた釣り情報をお届け



人気のあるトラウトの管理釣り場が、とても混雑することは釣りの世界の常識ですが、その混雑度がマックスに高まるのは世間が正月休みの時期のようです。 やはり、釣り人というものは新年早々に釣りをしないと気が済まないらしく、それもできれば確実に魚を釣…

Flyfishing for "Ito". Hokkaido Japan.

"Ito"(Hucho perryi) is a large species of salmonid freshwater fish in Hokkaido Japan. It also known as the Sakhalin taimen or Japanese huchen.It find in only a few rivers and lakes, because of population decrease.The main reason for this d…

Flyfishing in Hokkaido Japan. Salmon,Trout,Char and Taimen.

Hokkaido is northern big island of Japan.There are many beautiful wild fishes, which are perfect for flyfishing. Japanese huchen (Hucho perryi) Japanese huchen is a large species of salmonid freshwater fish in Hokkaido.It also known as the…